Geri Scazzerro - The Emotionally Healthy Woman : Eight Things You Have To Quit To Change your Life

SKU No : 9780310342304

Availability: Available

Publishers: ZONDERVAN


Categories :Women

Geri Scazzero knew there was something desperately wrong. She finally told her husband, ‘I quit,’ and left the thriving church he pastored, beginning a journey that transformed her, her marriage, and her church, and thousand of others around the world.

The journey to emotional health begins by quitting. In The Emotionally Healthy Woman, Geri describes how biblical quitting goes hand in hand with choosing. When we quit things that are damaging, we are free to choose other ways of living that re rooted in love and lead to life.


When we quit being afraid of what others think, we choose freedom.

When we quit lies, we choose truth

When we quit blaming, we choose to take responsibility

When we quit faulty thinking, we choose to live in reality.

Something breaks inside of us when we finally say , “no more”. But it must be done for the right reasons, at the right time, and in the right way.
