More Calvinistic Than Calvin? Hardline Reformed Theology & The Malaysian Church

SKU No : 9789670536897

Availability: Available

Quick Overview


Chapter 1 Why This Book? 
Chapter 2 The Historical Emergence of Reformed Theology 
Historical Background 
Predestination and Reformed Theology 
Responses to Reformed Theology as Represented by Beza and Other Reformed Writers 
A Hardline Reformed Theology? 
Chapter 3 An Overview of Reformed Theology 
Key Features of Reformed Theology 
The Five Solas 
Reformed Theology and Predestination (TULIP) 
Summing Up 
Chapter 4 A Response to Reformed Theology 
Reformed Theology: Strengths and Weaknesses 
The Predestination-Human Responsibility Debate: Is there a way forward? 
The Way Forward 
Chapter 5 Principled Yet Generous: A Paradigm for Life in the Body Exemplified by J. I. Packer 
An Exclusivist Approach vs. a Principled and Generous Approach 
J. I. Packer: A Principled Yet Generous Reformed Theologian and Pastor 

Chapter 6 Reformed Theology and the Supernatural 
Reformed Theology: Miracles or God’s Providence 
Understanding the Cessationist View 
Are Miracles and Signs for Today? 

Chapter 7 Conclusions 
What Are Some Problems Faced by a Hardline Reformed Theology? 
Does Hardline Reformed Theology Have a Monopoly on the Gospel? 
The Contextual Nature of All Theologies, Including Reformed Theology 
Can the Church Today Afford the Divisiveness of a Narrowly Defined Gospel? 
Final Remarks 

Authors: Hwa Yung, Lee Soo Tian, Lee Tat Yan & Lim Kar Yong


Categories :Academic

 Reformed theology has a long and distinguished heritage in history. Its roots are traceable back to John Calvin of the 16th century Protestant Reformation. At its best, it has shaped a solid church tradition, built great universities like Geneva, Harvard, Yale and Yonsei, and produced famous theologians like Jonathan Edwards and J. I. Packer, and outstanding preachers like Charles Simeon and Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

But just as tulips, the symbol of Reformed theology, come in a variety of colors, there is also great multiplicity within the Reformed tradition. Regretfully, some varieties have been marked by exclusivity and divisiveness. Recently, it appears that some with such views in the Malaysian church have caused serious divisions in some circles and much distress to those affected.
These exponents of hardline Reformed theology insist that their position is more firmly rooted in the Bible than all other traditions, and that they possess the most or only adequate understanding of the gospel. What this book seeks to show is that this claim is not supported by plain scriptural teachings, and that aspects of hardline Reformed theology owe more to alien philosophical arguments than the Bible itself. This is the key issue. Furthermore, the exclusive and divisive manner in which these hardline views are being promoted sadly demonstrates a lack of respect for Christians of other traditions.
This book calls on all Christians to found our faith on the solid rock of Scriptures and not false philosophies, to walk with humility and respect for each other’s traditions so long as we agree on the fundamentals, and to build a holy and united church together as we face the immense challenges before us. Soli DEO Gloria!